Somerville – Garage Build
Day 1 – Garage Floor
Day 2 – consisted of bottom plates, framing in windows and walls.
Day 3- Top plate and joist system for second story installed as well as lolly columns with built header to support flooring.
Day 4 – Sheathing walls and installing advantec flooring, cutting hole for upstairs entrance, and pad for stair sets.
Day 5 – Installing stairs, sheathing final row, and construction/sheathing of one whole gable.
Day 6- Constructed back gable wall to include sheathing. Set up wall jacks for future soffit work, built/ installed ladders up all four rakes, built ridge pole and began roof truss system.
Days 7, 8, and 9 – Blocking and collar ties inside second level. Dormer constructed and sheathed. Soffit and fascia completed and started to wrap with metal. Roof plywood and metal install. Windows routed out. Board and batten siding started
Final days – Board and batten siding & cleanup.